Zsolt utca 24., Székesfehérvár, 8000
+36-20/450-2921 | info@smvmuvesz.hu
The avaliable 4 videos in the 35. THE FREEDOM OF CREATIVITY:380. Flowers with Ghost drawing technique, oil, ENG Demo: https://youtu.be/wW00gPtf2oU381. Candles and wine glasses, oil & acrylic, ENG Demo: https://youtu.be/Yw6VcdCbaxA382. Toscana, painted with bank card, oil, ENG Demo: https://youtu.be/njl3KNK8C6Q383. POP ART GOLF PORTRAIT, acrylic, ENG Demo: https://youtu.be/nrSVCxFO4tAHere you can access your videos: https://kurzus.smvmuvesz.hu/